Asking a Lead Guitarist to play Rhythm…

#FunnyVideo #Guitarist

19 reacties tot dusver:

  1. @lancemarchetti8673 schreef:

    Cool! Sounds just like Nagasaki by Whitecross (Rex Caroll)

  2. @adamx9793 schreef:

    You have awesome tone, and you’re better than Slash

  3. @erickmonzonjns4613 schreef:


  4. @SmokinFoolz schreef:


  5. @nilswegner2881 schreef:

    This way of labeling the switch has never made any sense to me.

  6. @LacerdaIsAWeeb schreef:

    that tone tho

  7. @Jared_Dill schreef:

    Omg that tone 🤯😳

  8. @Zappero schreef:

    We're kings and queens. We're made to lead!

  9. @AlexKosSaheli schreef:

    There's no such thing as lead or rythm guitarist) only while playing with other people

  10. @tyg715 schreef:

    So damn true for most

  11. @RickSanchez11423 schreef:

    It's like asking a classical musician if he can improvise. He would just play a Mozart improvised piece

  12. @hamsterman1995 schreef:

    Very funny. 🙂

  13. @molekyyli schreef:

    Lol, didn't see this coming either.

  14. @daltonwilliams8272 schreef:

    Me to a T my friends always bitching you can solo but you can't play rhythm or simple cords. My response is always the same I play what I like and that's soloing over backing tracks I've never practiced anything else

  15. @XaleManix schreef:

    I… I wanna see a sequel where the rhythm guitarist takes a solo.

  16. @markiyanhapyak349 schreef:

    This made even my feet LAUGH!!!

  17. @dag1704 schreef:

    Did not see that one coming….
    Well done sir, well done

  18. @noggersoswreview601 schreef:

    I'm howling with laughter

  19. @ihaschevy2866 schreef:

    I don't know why Gibson has the neck pickup as rythem. I like using the neck pickup for soloing to get the creamy sound of the guitar.

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Posted by: Joyce Bowman on

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