Blues Guitar Turnarounds Lick 1 – free guitar lesson – Blues guitar turnarounds are fun. There are many variations. Have a look at Lick 1 and get Tab and Guitar Pro files on my website.
Blues guitar turnarounds often start on beat 2 of bar 11 and continues to the end bar bar 12.

7 reacties tot dusver:

  1. @rafaelvelasco2734 schreef:

    Gracias Robert

  2. @dannyhood66 schreef:

    The song 'red house' is originally from a band called the turnarounds?

  3. @luvmycorso schreef:

    I like that…

  4. @pjhatrick schreef:

    what key was this in

  5. @BPH4119 schreef:

    Thanks Robert–you always make these licks so easy to follow
    Great video technique

  6. @kk5fe schreef:

    always great instructions! I went to your web site, but dont see the tabs for this unless I missed it…. 🙂

  7. @Dolphinstreets schreef:

    No it's Rosewood. It's a Suhr Classic, I didn't do anything to it.

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Posted by: Mollie Turner on

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