Derek Trucks Slide Lesson #guitar #derektrucks #guitarist #shorts

12 reacties tot dusver:

  1. @Sledgehammers_Nail schreef:

    Great slide player, but sometimes his vibrato is a little much. Also does anyone else find it annoying when guitar players without a slide imitate Trucks' signature move on guitar?

  2. @glovere2 schreef:

    He scares me a little bit he is so damn good and he plays so effortlessly.

  3. @user-iv6lu2on7b schreef:

    his slide guitar is completely another level.

  4. @buckeyebias6605 schreef:

    Best to ever do it

  5. @basejumper9550 schreef:

    Listen and don’t have any of your own creativity. All good man.

  6. @user-tv2bz2ci6b schreef:

    Derek Trucks is now "Mr Slide".
    That name again is "Mr Slide"

  7. @baTonkaTruck schreef:

    People wanna talk s*** about America that’s fine. I just point at the American Blues and say “It ain’t all bad.”

  8. @Nosirrah2112 schreef:

    Derek is the absolute king of slide guitar.

  9. @davidbenschoter630 schreef:

    Can't wait to see them next month!!

  10. @hatred9427 schreef:

    Man, that guitar is reciting poetry

  11. @stricknine8623 schreef:

    This guy has a next-level skill for playing guitar.

    But there is no doubt that he needs to raise the action on that SG and also put a slide extension over the nut. It will sound 10 times better.

    Maybe he was using his conventional guitar and was asked to do some slide playing ?

  12. @greenl2472 schreef:

    This man might be the best slide guitar player of all time.❤ I know that’s saying a lot,but just maybe❤

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Posted by: Courtney Meneses on

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