Niels Vejlyt's Sweep/Tap Free Guitar Lesson – Shred Academy

This is Niels Vejlyt’s 3rd free guitar lesson for the Shred Academy website. You can download the tab for this lesson at the website

29 reacties tot dusver:

  1. @Kjutte1 schreef:

    the sweep didn't seem so tight, but the tapping definitely was.

  2. @Hack3r91 schreef:

    It might be a good one.

  3. @bigmethodman schreef:

    i have a over 20 years old guitar from my mother i have search a bit in google its a hohner professional st is this a good guitar?

  4. @AustinMallarGuitar schreef:

    Smashing Pumpkins fucking rule buddy!

  5. @PanosGuitarHero schreef:

    you are amazing

  6. @lucasw122333 schreef:

    he guitar well

  7. @SonnyKraack schreef:

    I bed he is danish.. Talks english like a dane.

  8. @zwamman schreef:

    unbelievable, i never even thought about sliding the pick over there, genius 🙂

  9. @lifeless489 schreef:

    another sweet one!

  10. @Neoclassicalmaese schreef:

    lol fock you man hahahahaha I spend the whole lesson laughin because of your comment lol nice one :), this was a cool lesson by the way, had to see it twice because i spend the whole first time laughing

  11. @AlexiLaiho227 schreef:

    i didn't know mr clean played guitar

  12. @Ditfrid schreef:

    wow, This is a great video, i like a sweep tappimg like that.

  13. @ESP4thaWin schreef:

    Danish! yeah!!

  14. @murderface219 schreef:

    sounded so beautiful when it was played slow
    then demonic when fast

  15. @Subjugator1866 schreef:

    malm tapping with all 4 fret hand fingers? haha he wishes

  16. @seanSHRED87 schreef:

    Thanks for the lesson dude^_^ I like how you slide the pick back its a good little trick.

  17. @DanielDahleJohansen schreef:

    Awesome lesson. Have been looking for something like this for a while!

  18. @MountMonty schreef:

    omfg…GREAT MAN!!!!!!
    the slide with the pick was frickin genius!!
    i liked it better slow though O.o

  19. @Appollochan schreef:

    That is so clean I can hardly believe it. o_O Wow.

  20. @ibanez830 schreef:

    awsome video i learned a lot, you sound like Arnold Shwartzenegger, you sould say "ill be back" lol
    thanks man learned a lot rock on

  21. @shredacademy schreef:

    the lake is good but it is not as nice as the tree he will be showing you next 🙂

  22. @JImmy1090 schreef:

    wat?? he has a lake to show us? haha awsome lick

  23. @simsebit schreef:

    is he danish? hiss accent sounds like a danish 🙂

  24. @radude schreef:

    its mr clean!!!

  25. @pwnEdge1 schreef:

    I love it lol I'll be back

  26. @Noobiusprime schreef:

    WOAH MY GOD! that was really cool I know I'll be trying that pick hiding thing, because I hit strings all the time with that god forsaken thing when i dont need to….

  27. @Svet69 schreef:

    Man this is innovative!
    Freaking cool.
    5 stars for sure.

  28. @jrk8387 schreef:

    is that satriani's dad?

  29. @MarloweDK schreef:

    Hej Niels, din gamle hjemmesidelærer, vi har åbenbart en fælles ting her;-)

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Posted by: Charles Sullivan on

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